19 Jun

Image source: MTV.com

Every month, as we continue to improve Churchy Date and implement your feedback and suggestions, we’ll keep you updated on what’s new and what you should look out for.

Catfish – we rebuke you!
Churchy Date is currently only open to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. That hasn’t stopped several users from countries outside of those from signing up – until now. Along with other security measures, we’ve locked the site down to our currently supported countries. We hope this helps with fostering an authentic community here on Churchy Date, as well as real, authentic relationships.

Block and Report
In the same vein of security and fostering an authentic community, we’ve add the functionality for users to block and/or report other users. If you’re being harassed, or believe you may be getting catfished, please use the block and/or report option(s) on the offending user’s profile page.

Profile Updates
We’ve improved profile pages with a few enhancements and clean-ups. Profile completion lets you see how much a user has completed their profile. We’ve also added a few basic questions on your travel and/or relocation preferences. Make sure you update those in your profile.

Those are the major things. Let us know what you think in the comments below. If you have any other feedback, please send it in using our contact page. Also, if we have any questions that you’ve had to answer as “Other / Not listed”, please let us know so we can add in options to accommodate you with things we may have missed.
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Pam Lindsay
Pam Lindsay
5 years ago

Thank you … I ended my free membership because of this.

4 years ago

You guys are so awesome!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x