Recording Agreement
Thank you for your interest in being a part of Churchy Date's upcoming "Pop The Balloon" video series! We want to make sure everything runs smoothly when we all get together to record, so please read and complete all options on the form. As participation is limited, we'll contact chosen participants with the exact location, date, and call time for the event to confirm availability. If the current/next event doesn't work, don't worry - we'll keep you in mind for future events!
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please use the email address you originally used to sign up for the show.

Recording/Event Information

  • Date: June 8th, 2024
  • Time: 9 am - 1 pm (we'll confirm a specific time for you to show up within this timeframe)
  • Location:
    Near Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas TX
Does the location, date, and time work for you?
If selected for filming, I understand and agree that:
Agree to video/images/social
Agree to Christian standards
Agree to free/no pay
By typing your first and last name here, you agree that this serves as your digital signature and indicates your agreement and acceptance of the terms outlined above.

*Churchy Date and Churchy Life, LLC is not affiliated with any other “Pop The Balloon” series on YouTube/Social media. Photos and series name is for example purposes only.